Announcing: Ultimasaurus – A Chrome Browser Extension to Give Users Control Over the Web

Our agency has launched a Chrome Browser Extension to help consumers easily control what content they see on specific websites. Our new browser extension is called Ultimasaurus and it allows any desktop web user to easily manage how they view content on the web with one click options to turn features on and off.

Ultimasaurus was approved by the Chrome store on August 30th and we completed live testing on September 19th, 2022.

The launch version of the extension allows anyone to remove or add features to Twitter, YouTube, Google Search, Bing Search, and DuckDuckGo search.

With the first version of the extension users can:

  • Remove the “What’s Happening” section from Twitter
  • Add dislike counts back to YouTube
  • Remove Pinterest from image search on Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo
  • Remove Amazon from Google, Bing, and DuckDucKGo search results

As a marketing agency we belive it is important to help consumers have a great experience on the web, even if it is not on our client’s websites or apps. Ultimasaurus is the first software of its kind built by an agency to help everyday consumers as far as we are aware and starts a new journey for us helping consumers just like you improve your web experience.

Download Ultimasaurus on the Chrome Web Store here